Your Future Starts Here

Biblically Responsible Investments (BRI)

At Stewardship Investments, we believe that what we own matters. We champion biblically responsible investing by emphasizing a commitment to aligning your portfolios with ethical principles derived from biblical teachings. Our focus is on supporting companies that demonstrate integrity, uphold moral values, and contribute to the betterment of society, reflecting our dedication to responsible stewardship and honoring the Lord through our investment strategies.

“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” (Mark 8:36) 

Generosity Encouragement

We believe that generosity is a key component of a healthy and fulfilling financial life. By embracing the principles of biblical generosity, we can help you experience greater joy and fulfillment in your giving, while also positively impacting your communities. By incorporating biblical generosity into our financial planning process, we strive to help our clients build a strong foundation of financial wellness, rooted in faith and purpose.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Holistic Planning

Creating an individualized financial plan for your family starts at the first meeting and continues as we meet annually. We work alongside you as your plan is integrated and updated.  We see money as a resource, not the end goal in itself. As a Stewardship Investments client, we design and manage a personalized, comprehensive financial plan for your family. We monitor and adjust your plan as life unfolds and markets change, helping you monitor your goals effectively.

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Proverbs 3:14)

Active Management

Active management is a style of investment management where portfolio decisions are made based on ongoing research and analysis. At Stewardship Investments, our active management strategy is guided by a commitment to align investments with your values, time horizons and principles, Our experienced team of advisors actively monitors market trends and makes adjustments to portfolios as needed, in order to work toward your goals while staying true to your values.

“Cast your bread upon the waters,
    for you will find it after many days.
 Give a portion to seven, or even to eight,
    for you know not what disaster may happen on earth.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2)

Financial Education

We approach every meeting with the heart of a teacher. Our goal isn’t just to provide you great planning and advice, but to educate you and build your financial confidence. We also offer quarterly workshops with guest speakers to bring value to our clients. By providing comprehensive resources, we strive to equip our clients with the knowledge they need to take control of their finances and achieve their goals. Our commitment to you extends beyond the initial onboarding process and continues throughout our relationship, as we continually strive to deepen your understanding of finance and how it relates to your faith.

“Take hold of instruction, do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.” (Proverbs 4:13)

Our Wealth Management Process includes

Discovery Meeting

Our first meeting we spend getting to know you, your values and your goals.

Investment Plan Meeting

During our second meeting we will present your personalized plan.

Mutual Commitment Meeting

At this time, we will decide if moving forward together is the best next step.

45 Day Follow-Up Meeting

We will meet to ensure you are satisfied with your onboarding process.

Regular Progress Meetings

Annual review of progress & implementation of your advanced plan.

Welcome, Dave Ramsey fans!

Dave Ramsey

We have helped hundreds of families just like you! We are big fans of Dave Ramsey’s financial principles and Financial Peace University. We are a SmartVestor Pro firm, and our team integrates Dave’s principles into the advice we provide and the funds we choose.


“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.”

― Dave Ramsey

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